The logic Elephant: Topos theory
Speaker: Ali Hamad
- Abstract: Part II. We review first order theories and how to interpret them in a topos. We also define the syntactic topos.
17-Nov-2023: No meeting today.
Speaker: Ali Hamad
- Abstract: We review first order theories and how to interpret them in a topos. We also define the syntactic topos.
Speaker: Samuel Desroches
- Abstract: Part II. We introduce Grothendieck topologies, and consequently sheaves over sites.
Speaker: Samuel Desroches
- Abstract: Part I. We introduce Grothendieck topologies, and consequently sheaves over sites.
Speaker: Daniel Almeida
- Abstract: In this session we focus on discussing examples of some interesting (elementary) toposes, in particular presheaves topoi.
Speaker: Cesar Bardomiano
- Abstract: We finish the proof that an elementary topos is finitely cocomplete. We also prove the fundamental theorem of topos theory.
Speaker: Cesar Bardomiano
- Abstract: We introduce the definition of an elementary topos and give the tools to prove that an elementary topos has all finite limits.